
Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment

Our specialist group covers all areas of intellectual property, including copyright and moral rights, unregistered design right, registered designs, registered trademarks, passing off, database right, patents, privacy, data protection, confidentiality.

We are well-known in the field of media and entertainment law, and deal with matters including defamation, malicious falsehood, image rights, music rights (performers’ rights, recording rights), TV format rights and film rights.

Our members work with clients ranging from large corporations to micro-enterprises, individual professionals, artists, inventors and musicians. We are active in industries including music, film, TV, art & design, literary, photographic, and throughout the business and financial sectors.

Services include contentious work, such drafting, negotiation, representation and mediation, as well as the non-contentious protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights.

Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment

Our Expertise